In the Light of Truth

Grail Message by Abdrushin

1stBOOK ◄ ► 2ndBOOK

Truth. Simple and clear. Liberating and enlightening. But also severe and just. Eternal, immovable Truth.

Truth, in its natural simplicity, can be understood by everyone. It can be found in the laws of the nature, the laws of physics or also in everyday life if one only wants to see it. Truth is showing the way to spiritual awakening, to retrieving lost harmony and to the way of living in accordance with God’s Will, which is independent of human wishes. He acts wisely who strives to know the Truth and to live in accordance with it.

Books by Abdrushin

The book In the Light of Truth is a pure source of knowledge for those, who truly seek for the Truth. Reading the book requires not only concentration in the effort of comprehending what is written with the spirit, but it also requires relentless examination. You can learn more about the book by reading the introductory text for guidance.

An English translation of the original edition contained in the books In the Light of Truth, The Grail Message by Abdrushin and Resonances to the Grail Message , altogether 201 lectures. If you would like to download the work In the Light of Truth in electronic format, click on the book image on the content page.

The lectures of Resonances to the Grail Message are an extension of the Message. If you want to understand them aright you must first know the Message. It's a whole which must be read in the presented order to become a true knowledge.

Citations from the book

There are but few people who try to realize what they actually want when they say the “Lord’s Prayer.” Fewer still are those who really know the meaning of the sentences which they rattle off. To rattle off is about the only right expression for the process of what in this instance men call praying.

Grail Message by Abdrushin: The Lord's Prayer

Only those with a calling can be true teachers. Those with a calling carry the ability within them. These abilities, however, do not ask for university training, but for the vibrations of a refined intuitive sensitivity able to soar above time and space, thus beyond the limit of comprehension of the earthly intellect.

Grail Message by Abdrushin: The battle

Truth has never yet been different from what it was even then, and is today, and still will be tens of thousands of years hence; for it is eternal!

Grail Message by Abdrushin: Silence

No nation and no people can flourish and prosper where the man is unable to look up to the woman in her womanliness!

Grail Message by Abdrushin: Watch and pray!

Both sorrow and joy are constantly rapping at the door to encourage and arouse man to awaken spiritually. He is then very often freed for a few seconds from the trivialities of everyday life, and in happiness or grief vaguely senses his affinity with the spirit pulsating through all that lives.

Grail Message by Abdrushin: Awake!

Only he who bestirs himself can advance spiritually. The fool who uses extraneous aids for this, in the form of the ready-made opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches, while ignoring his own healthy limbs.

Grail Message by Abdrushin: For your guidance!

Man should not forget that when praying he actually need only obtain the strength to enable him to achieve himself what he is praying for! That is how he should pray! And that is how the prayer which the Son of God gave to His disciples is meant!

Grail Message by Abdrushin: The Lord's Prayer

[Grail Message by Abdrushin]  [Resonances to the Grail Message] 
